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Innerdance Training


Principles of Facilitation through Energy School

This 11-week course is an in-depth study program with a strong foundation in self-learning and practice.

It requires a shared level of commitment dedicated to weekly journaling, journeying and gathering together on zoom.

Course Details

★ Twice a week we connect online for zoom sessions  (2 per timezone)

       ●  Session One: soundscape sharings, questions and journaling insights

       ●  Session Two: the “learning and unlearning” of each weekly theme

★ Two innerdance soundscapes are sent each week via email. One track will be the focal point for sharings in our zoom call.
    (total of 22 downloadable mp3 files)

★ Additional learning materials include: articles, PDF files, videos, links, and images for reference and deeper learning

Weekly Journaling:

On a weekly basis, participants submit one question each to the “Question Bank”. One question will be selected each week for a journaling assignment. Participants are encouraged to share their reflections and insights together in the first zoom call each week.

What is Journaling?

For the purposes of this course and shared space between participants, "journaling" can take on many mediums.  We will look at journaling through a lens of self-expression rather than a strictly written form.  This can happen through meditation, drawing, art, music, making sounds, taking photographs etc.  Participants can intuitively choose how to share their expressions and insights from week to week.

The Principles of Facilitation will be examined through the Key of 7 and Innerdance Energy School

Energy conversations come into focus with weekly themes:

  • Foundations of Energy School

  • Inner Work

  • Inner Worlds

  • Life Force

  • Key of F

  • Somatic Expressions

  • Inner Knowing

  • Wholeness Mapping

  • Facilitation


Course begins Monday, June 14 and ends Sunday, August 29, 2021


Zoom Call ONE - 2hrs

Time zone A: Wednesdays @ 4pm Bangkok/ 7pm Melbourne/ 10am London

Time zone B: Wednesdays @ 10pm Bangkok/ 11am New York/ 4pm London


Zoom Call TWO - 3hrs

Time zone A: Sundays @ 2pm Bangkok/ 5pm Melbourne/ 8am London

Time zone B: Sundays @ 9pm Bangkok/ 10am New York/ 3pm London


11 week course summary


Foundations of Energy School

Week One

The innerdance energy school frameworks support a foundational understanding of science in relation to energy. By looking at energy concepts and learnings through the lens of neurology, biology, psychology, ecology, quantum physics, and the like, the Energy School is designed to both dismantle and rebuild internalized perspectives on life towards a more unified whole. This lesson introduces the basic energy school frameworks we will use and build upon in the upcoming weeks.

Red Scarf

Inner Work

Week Two

Our journey begins with the roots of deep history, our origins. We will take a progressive look at where we came from and how the earliest hominid actions evolved into our current human behaviors and instinctive response patterns. We move through the looking glass and down the rabbit hole of ‘self-work’ drawing upon behavioral science, psychology, deep history and intrapersonal relations to ground us into the next weeks of study and reflection.


Inner Worlds

Week Three

This week we move into a discovery process between our inner and outer worlds through interpersonal relationships and our connection to each other. The systems, beliefs and language codes that marry us to global civilization hold the key to balancing the relationships we have with ourselves and one another. From the internal merging of lineage through the many generational identity structures we each carry within, we emerge into this life with choice and contract. What do we choose to hold, and what do we let go of?

Yellow Wall

Life Force

Week Four

Intercollective relations are those that exist between and amongst the larger “identity bubbles” of society. The driving forces behind these high level organizational systems filter into the lives of all nations and peoples of this planet. This week, we journey into the core of our Life Force energy and the powers that move us. We will look at ecological nutrition & health, personal empowerment, and collective strength.

Green Field

Key of F

Week Five

At the half way marker - Week 5, we journey into the Heart. Here, we pause with stillness to hear the flow within that speaks of healing, trust, vibratory resonance, and love. From this middle place, we connect with ourselves and each other in a Color Flow innerdance live soundscape designed as a remote partner work session.


Somatic Expressions

Week Six

Language is not just a verbal expression; it can be a song, a movement, a gesture, or a gaze. According to modern brain science, the language of movement is activated in the right hemisphere while most verbal language is stimulated in the left hemisphere. The body speaks to us using different core processing skills than much of our words. This week, we explore the subtle language of “body talk”, the internal systems that guide it and facilitating bodywork.

Neon Painted Face

Inner Knowing

Week Seven

When the frequencies of brain, mind and consciousness harmonize, we have the potential to activate profound self-actualization processes. In the innerdance, a waking dream-like state connects us to heightened vibratory responses that stimulate metacognitive and existential patterns of thinking. Heightened stimulation creates the conditions for synaptic change. Oftentimes, this can rewire the mechanical feedback loops binding us to various narrative contracts. Inner knowing facilitates our unlearning.


Wholeness Mapping

Week Eight

This week focuses on the crown and coronal integrations. We begin by connecting dots, noticing patterns that weave threads of the unified field. Then, we use a holistic approach for mapping these patterns and create space for dialogic relationships and a common language of discourse to evolve. Color-based innerdance techniques will also be discussed as a way to conduct processes towards transformation, regenerative growth and wholeness.


Playlists, Soundscapes & the Innerdance Wave

Week Nine

In the last three weeks, we will look at some practical, three-dimensional aspects of facilitation. First, we explore the more technical side of sound, music, playlists and creating an innerdance wave. Participants interested to go deeper into the Sound Science and DJ Skills used in facilitating innerdance are encouraged to join the upcoming Playlists & Soundscapes workshop or visit the Online Courses page for more information.

Purple Lights

Facilitating 1:1 & Group Sessions

Week Ten

In addition to learning the basic dynamics and energetics of 1:1 and group sessions, we will also cover: post-session care, follow-up needs, healing for the healer, common “pitfalls” that can emerge at various stages of the healing journey, and how to compassionately support participant reintegration processes.

seed of life2.jpg

Facilitating Online, Innerdance Live Soundscape & Closing Dialogue

Week Eleven

Our last course topic covers the basics of Online Facilitation. We will then conclude this 11-week journey together with an innerdance live soundscape and closing dialogue.

© 2020-24 by Innerdance Trust.

All rights reserved.

Innerdance Global LLC

7901 4th St N STE 300
St. Petersburg, FL 33702

+1 (941) 254-3736

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