Serena has been connecting with the world through the innerdance since mid 2012. It's been more than a decade of co-creativity and partnership in this work at many levels of experience, being, and collaboration. Learning together what it means to find equality in our planetary relations that also traverse the cosmos.
Being in my heart, living life with this energy, is a constant dance. It never had a name, it was often indescribable - but it was always there. When I consciously remember the energy re-entering my body for the first time, I was about 5 years old. It birthed itself into wakeful consciousness through waves of spirit and soul connection, and a vibratory bridging of many lifetimes with this present one.
Before my collaborations with innerdance, I was using a variety of other techniques to convey information about energy, collective consciousness, brain activity, medicine, ecology, and the deep history of our being through mandalic and omnicentric patterns and relationships between parts and whole. For a long time, I had found a tangible outlet in teaching. I worked with thousands of children and young adults from all over the world before shifting towards energy school as an interpretation of innerdance. Intuitively working with the body and energy fields came naturally because there was always an intimate connection with nature, animals, the elements and the languages of spirit and collective consciousness in any number of different forms. It's been a journey of lifetimes, meeting with this dynamic energy we now call innerdance and weaving harmony throughout its translations and ability to transform. Today, everything from the farthest cosmic reaches to the deepest of heart-earth energies merges together as one dance - the Dance of Infinity.
Innerdance has brought about a specific bridging of elements within the communication between spirit and human that needed space to ground. Through the catalyst of spirit's embodied spark many have been inspired to take the risk and journey within to experience Self, Other, the Parts and the Whole. It's all there. It's all One Story.
The various mirrors, versions, stories, and connections that each of us hold in our hearts and remember for ourselves is, how we relate this to the Potential of Now. How we evolve, grow, change, allow, accept, and transform. It's a time for all forms to come into flow. For the conceptual and the creative to harmonize and weave a new balance into the symphony of our times. In this, innerdance is a key - a threshold or gateway to more meaningful experiences and an acceleration of expanded growth.

In her life path, Serena has forged a deep alliance with self-healing and Transformation Medicine as a bridge between spirit and body; while working through the psychologies of the mind. She served as Executive Director for the Self Health Empowerment Movement (SHEM) in the Philippines and often volunteered at Wellnessland Health Institute in Cebu. She focuses on the Key of 8 with the Mandala as a framework for pattern-based thinking, wholeness systems, and circadian remembrance. She shares her knowledge and wisdom of medicine, health, and compassionate being to empathically connect with humans across the planet - having shared innerdance and transformation medicine approaches with people in many parts of the world.
Serena worked alongside Pi Villaraza for many years. She helped manage/oversee the Bahay Kalipay Retreat Center and Maia Earth Village. Her collaborations and weave with the global community helped pioneer the innerdance movement as we know it today. Serena also helped train Venant Wong in the innerdance process in his years before creating KAP. Her library of innerdance music, playlists, and soundscapes are widespread across the global community.
Serena is a reiki master, health & wholeness practitioner, Global Ecovillage Network ambassador, and life systems coach. She graduated from New York University with a Bachelor of Science in Culture and Communication and a minor in Graphic Design and Technology. She is currently studying a Master's degree in Public Health.
SOUNDSCAPES AND MUSIC CREATIONS: In 2017, Serena was introduced to the use of DJ apps. Soon thereafter, the innerdance playlists began to rapidly change. She explains these evolutions as "fractal leaps in sound creation", already happening several times since inception.
After more than 7 years of creating Live DJ tracks for innerdance experience sessions, her unique soundscapes are now being used around the world for sessions, festivals, and personal journeying by experienced innerdance facilitators and beginners alike.
Her previous works studied sound and deep listening through the connections between vibratory code and internal response known to permeate the field during innerdance.
Serena records soundscapes as Shamanic DJ.